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Hello again.
What can you do with 15 days?
I can buy a new bed, buy alot of things for myself and make some major decisions.
I was supposed to graduate already, but it's real great to see my classmates presenting their project on the ME final project exibition and making me realise that mine's going to be up there in half a year's time. The seed that they planted for the whole year has beared fruits for them. All the best to everyone!
What caught me online today was well, blood parrots!
I was to come up here and do a search on my yellow blood parrots and how ideally I should house them.
It alarmed me to know that actually blood parrots are hyrid from two childids!
Amazing? Seen so many colours of parrot fishes before?
They are jellow bean parrot , named after the colourful vibrant jelly beans, and they do bring out the esscense of it.
Quite suprised to know that when they were first breed, they caused a stir and they were not supposed to be sold! Some fish hobbist actually boycott the shops that sells them! But look where they stand now in the fish industry!
WoWo .. Speaking about my fishes, I managed to save my pink chilid this morning! I woke up to found that it was attacked and the fins were torn as well as scars from attacks on the body and it was lying down flat already. I didn't want to just let it die and I tried saving him with doses of medince. GUESS WHAT, IT'S SWIMMING SO WELL ALREADY NOW WITHIN HOURS. E.R. status redifined.
Just to let you all know, the common term, parrot fish is not really right, because you are referring to a marine fish.
Talk about Marine Fishes, guess what I found here....
Breeder claims to have developed marine Blood parrot
A Singapore fish supplier claims to have acclimated Blood parrot cichlids to live in salt water, says a report in The Electric New Paper.
Gary Kwan is reported to have told the paper that he has developed a method of keeping the hybrid cichlids in a marine aquarium, and claims to have had the fish living in his saltwater aquarium for four months. However, he would not reveal the method by which he claims to have acclimated the fish to an unnatural life in saltwater.
Kwan told The Electric New Paper that Blood parrot cichlids normally sell for $8 (around 2.65 UKP), but he hopes to sell his marine versions for around $8888 (just under 3000 UKP), because they're considered "auspicious" in Singapore, much in the same way as the Flowerhorn cichlid was.
Since the decline in popularity of the Flowerhorn cichlid in the UK and abroad breeders in Singapore are looking for new ways to make lots of money from fish.
Kwan is reported to have told the paper: "Three years ago I tried the experiment. But the freshwater fish became weak in saltwater and I stopped the conversion before any died.
"People say I'm just wasting time and money converting freshwater fish to saltwater fish. My friends say the fish will not survive."
Kwan told the paper that Blood parrots have declined in popularity due to the Flowerhorn and Asian arowana and he wants to make them popular again.
He told the paper: "At one time, the luohan could fetch a price of $100,000 [32,000 UKP]. I hope to achieve the same with my blood parrots, now that I have a head start."
Practical Fishkeeping's Technical Editor Matt Clarke said: "The osmoregulatory systems of freshwater fishes aren't designed to tolerate high levels of salt. We highly advise readers not to attempt to try this with their own fish, as it's quite likely to result in stress, disease or death."
More at: The Electric New Paper (Wed October 6, 2004, 10:26 am)