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Legacy of a Legend

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Sunday, December 21, 2008
Day 1 of Solemnisation Area Recee
2:52 AM

Today was the offical day that we (me and my lp) went to down to gardenasia ( has to offer for us for our solemnisation in the upcoming year. It was so deep inside Lim Chu Kang road on a bend into Neo Tiew Cresent, that makes it quite inaccessible to go back from there. Coming in was not an issue as I say, as we have buses chatered, but as for the others that came in through cab, leaving in a cab is a blessed luxury.

Our first look into the place was expectionally green. Greenery Green. The exact theme that we have decided on. It was not really love at first sight quality, but after much personal explorations, we find that there are areas that we really like and we want to explore on that.

Wouldn't it be nice?

I won't be bold enough to decide on our part that 'IT's THE PLACE' already, but it's definately one of our top picks.

Welcome to the next journey with me to the next step of my life...
