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Legacy of a Legend

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007
1:07 AM

How coincident can it be to have written something like that in my last post and today I was called up for Adam Khoo's course!

F.Y.I, Adam Khoo, a Singaporean self-made millionaire, who is a good if not great speaker who educates and motivates people with his speeches. You can find out more about him @

Upon learning from him and his partner, Mr.Remesh, I once again affirmed that BELIEFS are very strong.

Like in what I discussed earlier, step backs are important in one's life.

Great people take great stepbacks, they thrive, survive, and excel.

As to what Adam Khoo speaks in his lectures, I will not share with you all. It's his speech, therefore if you want to hear what he says, you need to go to him. The message that I revert to you wouldn't be as strong as what he says personally.

I want to touch on things that I BELIEVE in, and I WANT TO SHARE with you my life story like I say a million times in my blog already, but I will say it again as a reminder to myself and also as an example to everyone.


I grew up very bad-tempered. I annoy people with my horrible temper, let it be, playing ball, going to school, family, or any simple things that I don't like, I'll scream and eff you downside up.

I love playing ball, it keeps my life going, I enjoy running around, making things happen and all. But it took me 5 whole years to realize, that my temper was holding my potential, to play better, for myself, my team, and most importantly, my life.

Simple. I have a eff up attitude, and it's simple. MY FRIENDS CAN CHOOSE TO FUCK CARE ME. If I grew angry, I upside down left right finish, then next day, my friends can still talk to me. They CAN CHOOSE to avoid me. Being young and naive, it only took me years to know that, and realise that who I have around me, that was empowering my life already.

True, habits are hard to cut. 9 years of playing basketball already, once in a while I will still get pissed off. The most important thing that I learnt is when I am angry, I CANNOT PERFORM. I CANNOT PERFORM, I CANNOT SCORE, I CANNOT MAKE PLAYS, I AFFECT MY TEAM MATES, I AFFECT THE OPPONENTS, I AFFECT THE PEOPLE WATCHING, I AFFECT MY IMAGE, I AFFECTED SO MANY THINGS.

Then WHY must I be angry? My belief was wrong that if I'm angry, and I'll outscore the person that I'm pissed off with. WHAT FOR? Remember, the great ones will thrive in times like this. If someone is pissing you off, make that scenerio change. Why are you pissed off with him? Can it be better? Reflect, think. ADKNOWLEADGE the reason why you are pissed. Run around, loosen up the muscles abit, pass the ball around to get your teammates more involved as you cool down. Avoid being pissed off again, change your game, excel, and there you are, forcing the team you are pissed off with, out of the court!

For me, I look at temper this way,

Acknowledge - I am angry. I must know I am angry. So that I can control
Nope - I will not show it out that I am angry
Give up the thought - Thoughts generated from anger are being dropped
Yes! - I have conquered my temper!

Anger Management is easy. I say to myself I CAN CONQUER IT AND I WILL!
Think of POSITIVE THOUGHTS that will happen when you conquer your temper.
NEVER THINK OF THE NEGATIVE ONES, because once you know what you will get when you are angry, tendency that I will happen again is very high. BECAUSE YOU THINK OF IT.


I wake up in the morning, complain I cannot wake up. I dragged myself to the toilet. I skip breakfast. I go to work late. My boss scold me. My colleagues say I am a late comer, and has a HABIT of coming late. I go back late because I cannot finish my work. I bath late, I eat late, my hair is wet, so I dry my hair first, then I sleep late again. Next morning I go to work late again.


Looks familiar? This happens to everyone. The difference is the frequency it happens and more importantly is how they attend to this problem.

Morning I wake up early. I feel good. I look in the mirror, I smile and start brushing my teeth. I make my own sandwiches and pack it in my bag. I walk out to take transport while I have my sandwich. I arrived to work early, I get more time to change and relax, and I don't sweat from running in if I'm late. My colleagues come along, and I said "morning!", your colleagues have a good talk to you and shares with you what he did last night and invites you for lunch later. After lunch, you finish your work, goes back on time and have all the time in the world till you sleep again.


It can also affect students.

Today is school holiday. I wake up late, got nothing to do, I watch TV whole day. Mother never cook. So I lazy to go down to eat. Then I skip breakfast and lunch, and watch TV whole day. Mother come back and forget my dinner, so I scold her. Then she cooked for me, and I ate and then I sleep as I got school tomorrow.

I can't wake up on time. I was starving last night and I can't sleep well. I go to school late, teacher scold me. I think I very unlucky these few days. School ends, I go back watch TV alone and don't do homework. Tomorrow morning then copy from friend.

How lousy is this student.

LAZY. NO PRODUCTIVITY. He wasted his life watching TV and not thinking. His brain is not STRETCHING for the day. And tendency is, he'll carry on this unhealthy lifestyle, grow fat, and get into more pain.

It could have been...

I woke up early. I prepared breakfast for myself. I learn to fry an omelette for myself.
I watch some TV, and found that the show was good. It had reflected to me what I should do or not do when I travel next time. I switch off TV, and goes to my room to do my homework. I couldn't solve this problem. I open my textbook to see if there is any example. I couldn't get an answer, so I called my friend to teach me. He gave me the working and answers. So I go back to the textbook and found that this question was actually two chapters combined into one, that's why I couldn't find any examples. I must take note of this question. I redo and redo until I get it right myself.

Then for lunch I went down and eat, and saw my friend who was alone also. We had a good chat and I went back home.

Next day of school, I felt good because I slept early last night. I handed up my home work on time and I got an 'A' for it.

You all are SMART guys. You know what you ask for in life. PLEASE PLEASE. MAKE THAT CHANGE NOW!

(more to come on the next post...)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Path Of Life
12:04 AM

Coming of age already, teens are over and most of us are complaining we're slowing down when playing ball.

Out of the question.

Anyway, look past in your life and you will see how each day had add to your experiences and enhanced your thoughts. Memories, bad, annoying, stupid, funny, and never forgetting lovable ones will always stay in your mind.

Decisions made will affect your life in the long run. Let it be a one day event or what so ever. Maybe because you missed it and you gain or loss something that you never knew.

You walked out of the classroom after stoning 14minutes and you saw your long lost pal just outside.

Why did you walk out in the 14th minute ? It's fate. To me I think it is a very important part of life. The so called 'luck' factor is a add on, but fate is the one that really pushes or drags one down.

For me, I regretted spending money away when I was in poly!

The situation now.
2006 Sept - Braces up.
I got alot of clothes, had alot of shoes, have a lot of headdress, got alot of furniture that I need. I got many many CD, many many gadgets. Many Many PHONES.

The situation ideally should be.
Selective shopping. Braces done long time ago. Picked a good phone and keep it well. CD is a hobby so it's okay. Go learn driving.

See? It's too late to turn back now! But because of that, I've learnt! This is part of life. Learn from the mistakes from the past and have a better future. You future should be made of mistakes. From mistakes, we learn, we grow stronger.

To avoid mistakes, is ideally the best. But then, when the one good one comes. Oh, you can't take it!

So sit back relax, think what you have done wrong and hat you can do to your life.

For me, this is more of, refreshing myself. Telling me that I can't be the perfect one, but if you don't try, who will be the first one? Looking back to the bad old days, childhood pains and bad temper, has what made me today.

I'm a free thinker because I trust my beliefs.

I believe everyone has a story to tell. What's yours?
