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Legacy of a Legend

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
11:48 PM

1. I finally bought Hana Kimi DVD. First 5 episodes out on only DVD. 2 more set of 5 episode will be sold at a later date. Stay tune.

2. S.H.E's preparing for a rampage this 27th Jan. Their HK Perfect 3 concert CD is out. Be prepared to buy the DVD as soon as 28th Jan.

3. Recently forcasting my finace this work year. I suggest that you all should go and open a Microsoft Excel sheet and do some forecasting yourself. Play with the formulas, and adjust your budgets and you'll be amazed at how much you can save.

4. Looking into a wide ranges of magazines, from home decor to style. It's good to widen your horizons.

5. Sleeping early. Hydrating myself every hour. Running/Jogging/Playing ball at least 3 days a week. Say hello to Healthy Living!

6. Have a story to share, but I really have to sleep. So stay tuned!
