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Legacy of a Legend

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Sunday, February 04, 2007
Lessons to learn
4:09 AM

I'm not really upset, but I just want to share my experiences with you guys so things hopefully won't turn out the same again for your next BBQ.

1. Situation 1: 13 ppl were supposed to turn up, and we planned for 15, in case anyone came last minute, however only 9 turn up in the end.

Lesson: I know it's always good to plan for more, but on the other hand think of absentees, more than who would turn up. Think of your outings, have your group shrink or expanded most of the time when expected?

2. Situation 2: Ming and I had to foot out 30 each to pay for the people who didn't come. Those who came helped out with 20 each.

Lesson: Zx cam down for 1 hour for the food, and he didn't eat alot, but he still came, because he promised, and that was very good. However, we planned for if more ppl turn up, all pay less. But since we promised at 20 each, then organizers have to foot the rest.

3.Situation 3: Food is surplus, drinks are always lacking.

Lesson: Food can minimise, I think if it's a small event, it's good to plan for less, rather more, and it's not really any occasion so, if there's not enough, there's always the mini mart near by for crab sticks and hot dogs.

4.Situation 4: Thongs and expendables are always bought over and over again.

Lesson: Thongs can be washed and kept again, and things like plastic fork, spoon, new ones can keep. Save the environment, save your budget.

If you intend to celebrate your birthday with a BBQ, take note of the pointers! Have a cost-efficient and happy BBQ!
