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Legacy of a Legend

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Sunday, August 27, 2006
Zhenghua CSC
10:47 PM

This year due to the change in parliment changes, I can only play for Zhenghua CSC with a new group of people.

This year around, we have alot of experienced players, and we frankly are on the better end then before.

Today's match against Mountbatten ( one of the roads I ran past today on my 21KM ) was a good training. We basically held them to below 10 points in the first half. The score ended at 50 - 23.

Yio Chu Kang 4th Sept coming right up!

12:14 PM

For every serviceman, it is their pride to run the annual 21KM army half marathon or AHM as we name it. After 6 months of intense progressing training, it was time to test one's limit.

At 0500 , we have already assembled at the padang waiting for flag off. By 0600, the race was on.

As it was very early and I had not had my breakfast, I decided to walk first, and see how much I can go.

At the 4Km mark, there was no stopping me.

I went all the way for the rest of the 17km.

My time? 2 hours 43.5 mins.

Not bad already la.

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