Navigations are at the top.
It was a hassle.
But all was worth.
First and foremost I want to introduce to you my planted tank.
What is interesting about a planted tank is that you are focusing more on the design of the tank.
You choose the plants on
1) Looks and colour
2) Their growth
and a few other factors ...
It's interesting to know how plants grow and it takes certain knowledge to maintain the plant at it's peak.
I can say it's a even harder job then maintaining a healthy fish.
You look at fertilizers, both the base and liquid form. Next you look into the photosynthesis process. cO2 and powerful lighting.
It's interesting to see that my Ludwigia inclinatais growing roots all over and is trying to root itself all around.
Then talk about the water lettuce, it reproduces so fast just by splitting itself up.
Tomorrow I'm getting some Emperor Terta to school inside the tank.
Up next comes the Red-bellied Pacu.
It was sharing half a tank to my blood parrots and it's getting real big already and I can't bear to see it squeezing inside such a small space and so I decided that I get a new tank for the blood parrot and leave the whole tank to him.
It's a bit blur because it's feeding on live fishes now.
I bought this fish initially as I think it looks a piranha and it's looks real cool, and it was small then, about 10 cm long and I can see some teeth there.
Who's Who?
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1 month later, it became twice it's size. I'm giving it space now in a 2ft tank, I hope it won't outgrow my tank.
I did a bit of research on the net and the biggest one ever caught was a metre long.
And they are indeed a relative of the ferocious piranha!
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It eats about any fish that his mouth can fit.
So far it have eaten my loach, which is like a serpent/snake that's about 10cm long and 1.5 cm thick. Imagine that.
This is my newest and biggest tank that's now doing on my floor.
Somehow, all the fishes are gone in this photo.
This tank consist of 3 yellow parrots.
2 Rainbow sharks.
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1 Albino rainbow shark.
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2 Zebra Domino.
These are very colourful fishes that anyone would like to look and stare at them for a long time.
That's what I'll do.
I'll lie on the floor and enjoy watching them swim around.
It's truly a hobby worth considering if you have space and of course support from your parents.
It can be a very costly hobby but the magic it brings just staring at your fishes swimming in your tank is unable to be measured.
Satisfied customers on both ends.