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Legacy of a Legend

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Reporting To Camp Tomorrow !!
8:56 PM

Title speaks all ..

Monday, September 19, 2005
Notice : Loss Of Prized Possesion
4:50 AM

Hey guys!

Did I lend any of you my S.H.E - Together CD?

Because it's lost and I can't find it anywhere!!!

I was doing a check for all my CDs and I found my 'Together' is lost!!


If by any chance I did lent you some disc, please return me k? I love my CD collection alot and I can't find a few of them.

5 disc is like a near $100 loss.

Ring me up if you got one of mine k?

Deeply Appreciated !

Anyway today is the Mid Autum Festival and I finally thought of the ACTUAL ORIGIN one how the mooncake was first developed.


Once upon a time, not too long ago, but it was quite a few hundreds years back in ancient China, a great archer was sitting by the river in the evening.

His name was Hou Yi.

Hou Yi was recently voted the best archer of Ancient China and a hometown hero has he has shot a few suns down and he was personally proud of it.

He was supposed to be secretly meeting Chang Er at the river, but she has yet to reach.

Hou Yi : ' I hope she turns up soon, it's getting boring. '
(Note: In ancient China there was no HP. Can't call can't message, dunno when she might even come)

There was a sound of an animal brushing past the grass.

Then suddenly the rustling of the leaves, and it caught Hou Yi's attention.

He armed himself almost immediately as he doesn't want to be assasinated.

Then as he was sitting near the bank, he didn't notice that there was some algae among the rocks and he slipped.

In surprise, he released his bow and the arrow shot a rabbit that was on a tree right up to the moon.

Hou Yi was legenary, but a weakness about him was he couldn't swim. And he drowned.

About an hour later, the beautiful Chang Er reached only to find Hou Yi's bow and arrow on the rocks. She knew something was wrong and notified the villagers.

The villagers then did not want to see their hometown hero dead and got hold of some dough and wrapped it around one or two stones and threw them in the river. This will allow the fishes to eat the dough and not the body of Hou Yi.

This is why our mooncakes now have single egg yolks or double ones, because they replace the stones wit something edible. Sensible enough?

But Hou Yi's body was never found.

Chang Er was very sad and the villagers took Hou Yi's bow and last arrow and pointed it at the moon. They burned the tip of the arrow hoping that Hou Yi might somehow know that his bows and arrows are here. Then with the lighting of the arrow, the villager head released the bow and Chang Er went straight for the arrow and gripped it so tight that she went up to the moon.

This colum is totally original and is soley thought of by the authour HIMSELF. Any unauthourised copying or reproduction is pratically shameless and useless. Go ahead and use my terrific/horrific idea to your bag of tricks if you don't feel shameful about it.
