Navigations are at the top.
Being the only higher ranking personnel in the training, I was assigned to be IC. As of simple reasons like lower ranks can't give commands to higher ones.
At first I felt unconfident, and terribly uneasy being in front of so many people.
I had to give drills to them and correct them, when I think I wasn't that good myself.
But I went back to think about it, if I carry on like this, I will make a fool out of myself for the next few months. Therefore I went back, bucked up my drills and commands and went back a little bit more confident then the day before.
Coming to the fourth day today, I felt that I did good and hope that my fellow colleagues will appreciate my help and guidance that I brought to them and the co-operation they have brought to me.
This truly brought out something I think I can't do before and I just want to encourage everyone that, if you are given a chance, no matter what it is, give it a good shot and hopefully you'll be recognised. I hope and I know I will.
Well, recently recieved a birthday gift of 'Zhen Ming Tian Nu' and has been watching it. All I can say it's really thrilling!
You can basically see the beginning of the chapter and coming to the end of it, you'll expect it to tone down. BUT NO! It doesn't!
I was watchin episode 12 halfway and I got so excited that I've decided to catch the other half tomorrow so as to leave me in suspense for a longer period of time!
And also, I think that some of you have already finished the book, one of the bestsellers sometime ago, ' The Da Vinci Code '.
It's been ages since I got a book to read and it really keeps me wanting to read it, but words are always quite dull. So it's not as attractive to keep me going on the book while I'm at home, while I can be on the video catching S.H.E.
Still I encourage everyone to read while on the go. Non-Fiction's always the best, if you're looking at news, either regionally or gobally it doesn't matter, as long you're catching up with events around you. It's the only way to build your vocab fast and it also encourage you to build a good habit.
So go out now and buy an expensive book so you'll be encouraged to read it all up so as not to waste your money. Whatever and however it motivates you I should say.