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Legacy of a Legend

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Friday, June 13, 2008
I almost fell asleep while driving.....
12:31 AM

and almost got ran over by a trailer. I was THAT CLOSE - centimeters away from thousand dollars of repair and hundreds of days of shock.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Half A Year 'HAS PASSED'
9:05 PM

2008 is already 2008.5.

How much have I achieved?

+ I did good for my counselling module that I previously predicted a 'B'. Looking to the results, I GOT AN 'A'!

+ Struggling with my personality assignment. Mulitple Social Personalities. I cannot seem to find any references, not even in the libary!

+ Clinical Psychology module is still okay. The MCQ is next monday. Have better Start working on it.

+ AHM competitve training is draining me out but has provided me the psychical training that I have been lacking this while. -Run- Run- Ciruit Training- Run - Run - Run.

+ Thank Me that I have a car. If not I will definately have not enough sleep everyday.

- As much as my body is thanking me on that, my wallet seems to not agree with the petrol kiosk cashier.
